Have you ever thought about what a community is, how is it formed, what is it made of… I don’t want to hear a definition because definitions can’t explain anything and they very often miss the point.
Definitions are scanty, intended for those who can’t cope with their feelings, or they eliminate their feelings and look at things from the sidelines.
The community cannot be viewed from the sidelines.
We cannot adapt the community to ourselves, but it’s us who must adapt to it and cooperate.
And that is a painful process.
A very painful process.
And it may fail.
Because people are not ready to change, they are not ready to accept others, nor justify them, understand them and help each other overcome crises.
I have been working on the concept of community for more than 20 years and I have been searching for a safe zone for more than 20 years and I have not been able to build or find a community that supports a person, picks them up when they fail, encourages them when they are successful, truly knows the people who make it up.
I understand that I am the problem because for today’s time my expectations are too high.
For a community to succeed, all those who belong to it and are part of it must get out of the comfort zone. They should have been hurt once, they should have felt what it means to be fragile, they must have been hurt to understand how the other person feels, they need to strive to fight, they should set big goals for themselves, not to be the best, but to do their best.
If we are constantly lulled, if we constantly want to be in a pleasant situation and respond to every difficult period that others go through by withdrawing and retreating, then the community cannot succeed.
It will definitely fail.

But how can we use a community to our advantage, no matter what kind of the community it is and how perfect or imperfect it is.
Every community is based on some values, right?
We are here because we feel well, because it is in our interest.
But here something is bothering us; something is not exactly what we would like it to be.
We can always retreat, but it would be a lost battle.

And if we give up, we cannot improve.

We can’t improve.

We can’t get the most out of ourselves.

That is why it is necessary to start community treatment.

How does the community healing process begin?

By wishing that we are the ones who help, we are the ones who understand, we are the ones who listen.

That’s how change begins.

They don’t need to listen to us, encourage us, but we should support the weak and be the ones who will cheer others up even when it is very difficult, make them laugh when we feel like crying, but also cry with others when necessary.

Community is a spiritual oasis of eternity.

Everything happens with ease. There is no vanity. There is no primitive battle. There is no malice.

If generations and generations grew up in a community where everyone was the first and everyone was the last, where everyone was important and without whom it was impossible to live, this society would not have major problems.

Therefore, start the healing process immediately.

Start so that it would not be too late, not because of yourself, but because of the generations that come after you.

Transliterated by Jelena